Brief History

Barangay Alimodias is the farthest barangay in the Bacauan Valley.

It is about 18 kilometers from the Poblacion. The barangay was a sitio of Barangay Olango which became an independent barangay after World War II.

The Barangay got its name from alimodias, a fruit bearing plant which used to grow in abundance in the area.

The leaders of the place were Francisco Nabua assisted by Juan Nalaunan (1942-1947), Francisco Nabua and Francisco Famisaran (1948-1951), Roberto Failagal and Daniel Paguntalan (1952-1955), Francisco Paguntalana and Jose Nebre (195601971), Porperio Paguntalan (1972-1979), Roberto Failagao (1991-1997). The present head of this barangay for the year 1998-2003 is Amado Failagao.

Barangay Profile

General Profile

Barangay Officials

Amado Failagal Punong Barangay
Domingo Nargatan Kagawad
Rosa Nabat Kagawad
Roberto Failagao Kagawad
Celistino Fillone Kagawad
Francisco Nargatan Kagawad
John Paguntalan Kagawad
Ferndando Nardo Kagawad
ERlinda Famin SK Chairman
Felipe Sejas Barangay Secretary
Juan Nargatan Barangay Treasurer

Economic Profile

Total Land Area

Residential 700 square meters
Forestry 50 square meters
Commercial 623,425 square meters
Number of transportation available in the barangay Bicycle 2
List of tourist attraction none

Social Profile

Total population 847
Number of male 373
Number of female 474
Number of youths 34
Number of households 124
Number of houses 124
List of school present in the barangay Day Care Center
Number of college students 7
Number of high school students 49
Number of elementary pupils 88
Number of pre-schoolers 1
Prevailing religion Roman Catholic
Other religious sectors present in the barangay none

Infrastructure Profile

Number of Houses with Electricity none
Number of Communication Facilities cellphones 9, Handheld radios 1
Number of Water Supply System Spring Water 6

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