Total population
| 1,059
Number of male
| 541
Number of female
| 518
Number of youths
| 426
Number of households
| 210
List of school present in the barangay
| SIPC-WVCST, Miag-ao Campus and Miag-ao National High School
List of Recreational Facilities
| Basketball court, Billiard House, Swimming pool
Number of college students
| 156
Number of high school students
| 179
Number of elementary pupils
| 177
Number of pre-schoolers
| 120
Prevailing religion
| Roman Catholic
Other religious sectors present in the barangay
| Baptist, Iglesia ni Kristo, Born Again
Number of Houses without Electricity
| 9
Presence of road and estimated length
| Barangay road = 1 kilometers
Number of Bridges and Length
| Taytay Boni = 15 meters
Number of Communication Facilities
| cellphones 82, telephones 35, Handheld radios 3, Towers 1
Number of Water Supply System
| Jetmatic pump 199, Deepwell 1, Water Pumps 5