from: UPV Information Manual (published by the the UPV Information and Publications Office) |
The University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV) is one of the autonomous campuses of the UP System, the others being UP Diliman, UP Manila, UP Los Baņos, UP Open University, and UP Mindanao. It has campuses in Miagao, Iloilo, Iloilo City, Cebu City and Tacloban City. UPV's main campus and central administration offices are located in the Municipality of Miagao, Province of Iloilo.
It was during the term of UP President Onofre D. Corpuz in 1975 when an interdisciplinary Team within the University conceived of an autonomous unit which would become the country's premier institution for fisheries and marine science education and research. This idea was fleshed out in a proposal entitled "Education Development Plan for the University of the Philippines in the Visayas" a six-volume report by an interdisciplinary team. The new university would evolve from the UP College of Iloilo and the College of Fisheries in Diliman which would transfer to its new site in the Visayas. Funding was to come partly from a government loan to be negotiated with the World Bank for the development of fisheries education.
On September 21, 1977, President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued Presidential Decree 1200, known as the Philippine Five-Year Development Plan (1978-1982), which provides, among others, that Region VI would be the site of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV) with emphasis on fisheries and marine sciences. A second UPV Project Development Team was then organized in December 1977 to review and update the plans for UPV. The new UPV development plan was approved by the UP Board of Regents (BOR) on May 28, 1978. The fisheries educational loan was then re-negotiated with the World Bank inasmuch as its appraisal team had earlier favorably endorsed the development plan.
On May 31, 1979, the Board of Regents approved the establishment of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas as an autonomous unit of the University of the Philippines System with its main campus in Miagao, Iloilo. It would start with two colleges, the UP College Iloilo as its College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Fisheries as its flagship college.
Through the Sixth Educational Loan of the Philippine Government approved by the World Bank in January 1980, the development of UPV's flagship college was made possible.
On February 29, 1980, the groundbreaking of the UPV site in Miagao was held, an event marking the beginning of UPV's bid to develop itself into the lead educational institution in Region VI, and especially as an outstanding institution of higher learning in fisheries and marine and related sciences. On June 26, 1980, Executive Order No. 628 of President Ferdinand E. Marcos operationalized UPV, and Dr. Dionisia A. Rola became the first Chancellor.
The development of the site and construction of facilities began in September 1981 and was made possible through the Sixth Educational Loan. This loan of about $17.63 Million was used for site acquisition, construction of buildings, procurement of equipment, and the transfer of the College of Fisheries personnel and other property from Diliman to Miagao.
Originally, UPV consisted of two colleges - the College of Fisheries (CF) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), formerly UP College Iloilo. Now it has five colleges and a school in four campuses with the establishment of the College of Management (CM) in 1981 and the School of Technology (SoTech) in 1984, and the integration of UP Cebu College (UPCC) and UP Tacloban College (UPTC) into UPV in 1986.
On April 30, 1987, the Board of Regents approved the reorganization of the College of Fisheries (now the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences or CFOS) and the establishment of four institutes, namely, the Institute of Aquaculture (IA), the Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology (IMFO), Institute of Fish Processing Technology (IFPT), and the Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies (IFPDS). The Brackishwater Aquaculture Center (BAC) facilities in Leganes, Iloilo became the Brackishwater Aquaculture Research Station of IA.
In May 1988, the College of Fisheries transferred to the new site in Miagao under the leadership of Chancellor Rogelio O. Juliano and Dean Efren Ed. C. Flores. The Diliman-based programs of the College of Fisheries were then relocated to its present site together with most of its faculty and staff.
In January 1990, the School of Technology transferred to the Miagao Campus. In June of the same year, Chancellor Francisco Nemenzo effected the transfer of the Division of Humanities and the Division of Social Sciences of the College of Arts and Sciences.
In May 1993, the transfer of the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics and the Division of Biological Sciences, along with the Office of the Dean, completed the transfer of the CAS.
Two degree-granting units remain on the Iloilo City Campus. They are the College of Management, and the CAS Division of Professional Education. Also on campus is the UP High School in Iloilo (formerly UPV High School). The High School is an experimental laboratory for innovative teaching strategies designed to provide academic training for underprivileged students in order to better prepare them for access to tertiary education in the University of the Philippines.
Some units have remained on the Iloilo City Campus, namely: (1) the Center for West Visayan Studies (CWVS) to make it more accessible to those interested in the study of Visayan Culture; (2) Office of Extension Services and Continuing Education (OESCE); (3) Sentro ng Wikang Filipino (SWF); (4) Graduate Program Office (GPO), which caters to clientele who are mostly working professionals in the city; (5) Language Program; (6) School for Distance Education, Visayas; (7) Ugnayan sa Pahinungod/Oblation Corps; and (8) UPV Women's Desk.
Part of the Miagao Campus has been reserved to accomodate regional offices and Miagao government centers with which UPV closely interfaces. At present, a Philippine National Bank (PNB) Branch and a Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) Branch is accomodated in the UPV Miagao Campus Library-Museum Building.
[ see also How UPV Came to Miagao, a personal account of former Mayor Erlinda Noble Britanico]
The College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS) of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas is the forefront of fisheries education in the country. Over the years, the College has instituted degree programs that address the need for sustainable development of the country's fisheries resources and respond to the call for highly trained manpower in the field. Its curricular offerings, both in the graduate and undergraduate levels, aim to impart to students theoretical knowledge and practical skills as well as develop analytical capabilities as tools toward innovative approaches and solutions to fisheries and related programs.
The College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences has four institutes, namely: the Institute of Aquaculture, the Institute of Fish Processing Technology, the Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology, and the Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies. It offers the following programs: Undergraduate - B.S. Fisheries, major in Fisheries Business Management, Fish Processing Technology, Inland Fisheries, and Marine Fisheries; Graduate - Master of Aquaculture, M.S. Fisheries with majors in Aquaculture, Fisheries Biology, and Fish Processing Technology; and Ph.D. in Aquaculture.
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) provides the general education program that is the foundation of all academic programs in the University. The College equips the students with basic knowledge in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities; the skills necessary to communicate and to analyze and integrate knowledge; and the ability to learn independently and think critically. it offers interdisciplinary programs with double major supportive of, or complementary to, those offered by other colleges.
As a college composed of various disciplines, including a Division of Professional Education and a laboratory high school designed to train underprivileged youth especially from rural areas, the CAS takes the lead in strengthening programs related to science and technology, professional competence, and values clarification, inculcating in the student a better understanding of himself/herself as a Filipino, with a deep sense of nationalism and pride in the cultural heritage.
The College of Arts and Sciences has five divisions, namely, the Biological Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, and Professional Education Divisions. The Professional Education Division offers the following programs: Master of Education in Biology, Chemistry, English as a Second Language, Guidance, Mathematics, Filipino as a Second Language, Reading, Social Studies, and Physics. An M.S. Biology is also offered by the Division of Biological Sciences. The academic programs of CAS are the following: Undergraduate (Baccalaureate) - Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication, Community Development, Literature, Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology; B.S. Applied Mathematics, B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Biology, and B.S. Chemistry; Undergraduate (Post-Baccalaureate) - Diploma in Physical Education, Certificate and Diploma in Science Education, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics Education.
The College of Management (CM) was formerly the School of Development Management (SDM), established in December 1981 out of the former Division of Development Management of the College of Arts and Sciences. SDM was elevated to college status in 1991.
The objectives of the College are the following: to provide strong management and business complement and support to the UPV programs in fisheries, marine sciences, the arts, social and natural sciences; to provide quality management education in order to train leaders for the region's public and private sectors; to serve as center for research, information dissemination, consultancy, and training services in the various areas of administration/management; and to serve as a pivotal link between UPV and local, national, and international organizations engaged in the management education, training and research.
The College of Management has two departments, namely, the Department of Accounting and the Department of Management. It offers the following academic programs: Undergraduate - B.S. Accountancy, B.S. Business Administration (Marketing), and B.S. Management; Graduate - Master of Management in Business Management, Public Management, Rural Development Management, and Tax Management.
Starting June 1997, the College offered the Diploma Program in Urban and Regional Planning in coordination with the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) at UP Diliman.
In July 1997, CM started the pilot testing of a course on Island Food Systems in RDM 298 (Field Studies), a course in the Master of Management, Rural Development Program. This initiative was made under the auspices of the Island Sustainability, Livelihood, and Equity (ISLE) Program. ISLE partners from Canada, Indonesia, and Jamaica team-taught the course with UPV faculty members.
The School of Technology (SoTech), formerly the School of Technology and Environmental Resources (STER), was established on March 29, 1984 as the 5th degree-granting unit of U.P. in the Visayas during the 966th Meeting of the Board of Regents. It was formally operationalized on February 17, 1986 with the transfer of the Food Technology program, along with its faculty, from the College of Arts and Sciences.
On April 22, 1993, the name of the School was changed from STER to SoTech. Along with its change of name was a modification of its mandate for it to become responsive to the needs of the region and the nation.
The School's mission is to provide highly trained manpower, generate appropriate and environment-friendly technologies, disseminate information and transfer knowledge and technology; and assist in the proper management of the environment for regional development and nation building.
The School of Technology offers B.S. Food Technology and the Certificate in Environmental Resource Management (CERM) with three areas of specialization, namely, Coastal Resource Management, Watershed Management, and Environmental Technology.
The UP Cebu College (UPCC), formerly UP College Cebu, was integrated into UPV in January 1986. UPCC is the oldest regional unit of the UP System. Established in 1918 as a junior college, it became a full-fledged college in 1973, offering graduate and undergraduate programs and a high school diploma.
UP Cebu College has five divisions, namely, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Humanities, Management, and High School Divisions. It offers the following courses: Undergraduate (Certificate) - Certificate in Fine Arts; Undergraduate (Baccalaureate) - Bachelor of Fine Arts, BA (Mass Communication), BA (Political Science), BA (Psychology), BS (Biology), BS (Mathematics) with specialization in Pure Math and Computer Science, BS Computer Science and Bachelor of Business Management (Hotel and Restaurant Management); Undergraduate (Post-Baccalaureate) - Diploma in Governmental Management, Diploma in Science Teaching, Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning; Graduate - Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Science in Environmental Studies, Master of Management in Business Management, Educational Management, Integrated Health Services Management, Public Management, Master of Education (adopted from U.P. Visayas) and Master of Nursing with specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing and Public Health Nursing.
In its 823rd meeting, the UP Board of Regents established the UP College Tacloban as an answer to the urgent need for quality education in Region VIII. It was recognized as a regional unit of the System on May 23, 1973 and inaugurated on July 2, 1973.
Ten years later, Executive Order No. 4 placed UP College Tacloban under the administrative supervision of UP in the Visayas.
The mission of the College is to develop humanist-oriented professionals and leaders by providing opportunities for a UP education to qualified secondary and tertiary education graduates. The College is likewise mandated to act as a catalyst of change through research and extension services that are geared towards improving the quality of life in Eastern Visayas.
UP Tacloban College (UPTC) has two divisions, namely, the Arts and Sciences Division and the Management and Technology Division. Its academic programs are the following: Undergraduate - Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with specialization in Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology; Bachelor of Science in Biology, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Bachelor of Business Administration, major in Management, and Forest Ranger Certificate (non-degree); Graduate - Master of Management in Business Management, Public Management, and Educational Management.
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